
The Avatar component is used to represent a user, and displays the profile picture, initials or fallback icon.

chakra ui pro


Chakra UI exports 3 avatar-related components:

  • Avatar: The image that represents the user.
  • AvatarBadge: A wrapper that displays its content on the right corner of the avatar.
  • AvatarGroup: A wrapper to stack multiple Avatars together.
import { Avatar, AvatarBadge, AvatarGroup } from "@chakra-ui/react"


Editable Example

Avatar Sizes#

The Avatar component comes in 7 sizes.

Editable Example

Avatar Fallbacks#

If there is an error loading the src of the avatar, there are 2 fallbacks:

  • If there's a name prop, we use it to generate the initials and a random, accessible background color.
  • If there's no name prop, we use a default avatar.
Editable Example

Customize the fallback avatar#

You can customize the background color and icon of the fallback avatar icon to match your design requirements.

  • To update the background, pass the usual bg prop.
  • To update the icon svg, pass the icon prop.
Editable Example

Avatar with badge#

In some products, you might need to show a badge on the right corner of the avatar. We call this a badge. Here's an example that shows if the user is online:

Editable Example

Note the use of em for the size of the AvatarBadge. This is useful to size the badge relative to the avatar font size.


In some cases, you might need to stack avatars as a group. Use the AvatarGroup component.

  • To limit the amount of avatars to show, use the max prop. It'll truncate the avatars and show a "+X" label (where X is the remaining avatars).
  • To size all the avatars equally, pass the size prop.
  • To adjust the spacing between the avatars, pass the spacing prop.
Editable Example

Changing the initials logic#

Added getInitials prop to allow users to manage how initials are generated from name. By default we merge the first characters of each word in the name prop.


Avatar Props#

Avatar composes the Box component so you can pass all its props. These are props specific to the Avatar component:

colorScheme"blue" | "cyan" | "gray" | "green" | "orange" | "pink" | "purple" | "red" | "teal" | "yellow" | "whiteAlpha" | "blackAlpha" | "linkedin" | "facebook" | "messenger" | "whatsapp" | "twitter" | "telegram"Color Schemes for Avatar are not implemented in the default theme. You can extend the theme to implement them.-
getInitials((name: string) => string)Function to get the initials to display-
iconReact.ReactElementThe default avatar used as fallback when `name`, and `src` is not specified.-
loading"eager" | "lazy"Defines loading strategy-
namestringThe name of the person in the avatar. - if `src` has loaded, the name will be used as the `alt` attribute of the `img` - If `src` is not loaded, the name will be used to create the initials-
onError(() => void)Function called when image failed to load-
showBorderbooleanIf `true`, the `Avatar` will show a border around it. Best for a group of avatars-
size"sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "xs" | "full" | "2xs""md"
srcstringThe image url of the `Avatar`-
srcSetstringList of sources to use for different screen resolutions-
variantstringVariants for Avatar are not implemented in the default theme. You can extend the theme to implement them.-

Avatar Group Props#

AvatarGroup composes the Box component so you can pass all its props. These are props specific to the AvatarGroup component:

childrenrequiredReactNodeThe children of the avatar group. Ideally should be `Avatar` and `MoreIndicator` components-
colorScheme"blue" | "cyan" | "gray" | "green" | "orange" | "pink" | "purple" | "red" | "teal" | "yellow" | "whiteAlpha" | "blackAlpha" | "linkedin" | "facebook" | "messenger" | "whatsapp" | "twitter" | "telegram"Color Schemes for AvatarGroup are not implemented in the default theme. You can extend the theme to implement them.-
maxnumberThe maximum number of visible avatars-
size"sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "xs" | "full" | "2xs"-
spacingSystemProps["margin"]The space between the avatars in the group.-
variantstringVariants for AvatarGroup are not implemented in the default theme. You can extend the theme to implement them.-