
The Changelog gives an overview of the meaningful changes we've made to Chakra UI as we keep driving for better performance and best-in-class developer experience.

To better understand the changelog, here are some legends we use:

  • 💥 Breaking
  • 🚀 Feature
  • 🐛 Bug fix



React v1.5.0

  • 🚀 Bump package as minor.
  • 🐛 Resolved a peer dependency resolution issue reported by yarn2, npm7, and other more modern package managers.

Popover v1.5.0

  • 🚀 Return prop getters for popover header and body and use ref callback to determine element's presense instead of useEffect. #3733

  • 🚀 Add support for rootProps to PopoverContent to allow passing props to popover's positioner.

  • 🚀 Make it possible to add custom motion variants so users can orchestrate custom transitions.

  • 🚀 Move popover arrow shadow color computation to popover's theme.

  • 🐛 Update import of shared utils from react-utils to utils.

Popper v2.1.0

  • 🚀 Add prop getters for popper and arrow for better ssr support.
  • 🚀 Replace utils dependency with react-utils.

Table v1.2.0

  • 🚀 Add TableContainer component to help tables scroll horizontally when overflowing.

Checkbox v1.4.1, Radio v1.3.1

  • 🐛 Update import of shared utils from react-utils to utils.
  • 🐛 Replace withFlushSync with scheduleMicrotask callback to prevent ReactDOM warning.

Form Control v1.3.1

  • 🐛 Refactor form label to use prop getter instead of hook for better consistency.
  • 🐛 Replace withFlushSync with scheduleMicrotask callback to prevent ReactDOM warning when an element us focused by calling .focus(). This works as well in concurrent mode.

Modal v1.8.1

  • 🐛 Resolved a peer dependency resolution issue reported by yarn2, npm7, and other more modern package managers.
  • 🐛 Omit scroll-behavior from drawer props.

Number Input v1.2.1

  • 🐛 Replace withFlushSync with scheduleMicrotask callback to prevent ReactDOM warning.

Progress v1.1.5

  • 🐛 Fix issue in safari where circular progress indicator shows a tiny bit when value is 0.

React Utils v1.1.1

  • 🐛 Update prop getter v2 type to take second parameter.
  • 🐛 Update import of shared utils from react-utils to utils.
  • 🐛 Replace withFlushSync with scheduleMicrotask callback to prevent ReactDOM warning.

Select v1.1.5

  • 🐛 Fix RTL styles for select field to use paddingEnd instead of pr.

Theme v1.8.1


  • 🐛 Moved maxW from popover's popper to content to allow for better control of the popover's width.
  • 🐛 Use width instead of maxW to allow users more control of popover's width.
  • 🐛 Use --popover-bg css property to control popover and arrow background.
<PopoverContent style={{ "--popover-bg": "purple" }}>
<PopoverArrow />
  • 🐛 Add popover arrow shadow color.


  • 🐛 Update select icon to use insetEnd instead of right for RTL.

Skip Link

  • 🐛 Update styles to use insetStart instead of left for RTL.


🐛 Update text align attribute to use end instead of right for RTL.

Theme Tools v1.1.3 & Transition v1.1.2

  • 🐛 Fix issue where warn doesn't get called.

Toast v1.2.2

  • 🐛 Take into account safe area insets for Toasts.

Tooltip v1.3.1

  • 🐛 Resolved a peer dependency resolution issue reported by yarn2, npm7, and other more modern package managers.

Utils v1.5.1

  • 🐛 Update import of shared utils from react-utils to utils.
  • 🐛 Replace withFlushSync with scheduleMicrotask callback to prevent ReactDOM warning.
  • 🐛 Import types for warn function.



Accordion v1.2.0

  • 🚀 Extract all react based utilities and types to @chakra-ui/react-utils.

Avatar v1.2.0

  • 🐛 Fix RTL styles.

Checkbox v1.4.0

  • 🚀 Add getRootProps to useCheckbox hook to manage props passed to checkbox container.

  • 🚀 Forward onFocus, onBlur and aria-\* props to the input element for better integration with form libraries.

  • 🚀 Ensure the checkbox works when the root element is not label. This helps to fix the current accessibility issues with the Switch component when wrapped within FormControl.

Counter v1.1.0

  • 🚀 Expose setValue function to allow update state without calling onChange.
  • 🐛 Fix issue where onChange is called when value did not change.

Form Control v1.3.0

  • 🚀 Refactor useFormControlProvider to return prop getters getHelpTextProps, getErrorMessageProps, and getRootProps.

  • 🚀 Detect helper text and error message using ref callback instead of useLayoutEffect.

  • 🚀 Update aria-describedby id to include feedbackId only when isInvalid is true.

  • 🚀 Create useFormControlProps to provide a way to get the resolved form control props isInvalid, isDisabled, instead of HTML attributes. This will make it easier to integrate with number-input, checkbox, and switch.

  • 🐛 Fix concurrent mode issue with setting state in focus event handler. We use withFlushSync helper to achieve this.

Hooks v1.3.0

  • 🐛 useControllableState: The onChange callback will be called only if the new value isn't equal to the current one.

Layout v1.4.0

  • 🐛 Remove redundant role attribute from divider.

  • 🐛 Fixed the bug where a margin- bottom would get applied to direction=row of stack when using responsive props.

  • 🐛 Fix issue where AbsoluteCenter doesn't have position: absolute.

Number Input v1.2.0

  • 🐛 Forward aria-\* props to the input element.

  • 🐛 Fix issue where onChange was called on mount.

  • 🐛 Fix issue where onBlur was called twice.

  • 🐛 Memoize all callback props onFocus, onBlur, getAriaValueText.

  • 🐛 Refactor implicit useFormControl logic to be called from NumberInput instead.

  • 🐛 Call setFocused.on with ReactDOM.flushSync to prevent concurrent mode issue where setting state in onFocus affects onChange event handler.

Styled System v1.1.0

  • 🚀 Add support for css variable tokens. This means you can create a css variable and reference value in the tokens.
"--banner-color": "",
"& .banner": {
bg: "var(--banner-color)",

System v1.6.0

  • 🐛 Fixed an issue where the StylesProvider export was not working in every environment.

  • 🚀 Add style config for upcoming rotateX, rotateY, scaleX, scaleY style props.

Theme v1.8.0

  • 🚀 Remove 0 token value from spacing tokens. 0 maps to 0 and there's no need to create a css custom property for that.


  • Add container part
  • Use css vars to handle styles
  • Fix RTL styles

Stat, Table

  • Fix RTL styles

Utils v1.5.0

  • 🚀 Add withFlushSync function wrapper to help resolve concurrent mode and onFocus state issues.

Toast v1.2.1

  • 🐛 Bump @reach/alert to fix yarn pnp issue.



Styled System v1.9.1

  • 🐛 Fix issue where textStyle doesn't get applied.



React v1.4.0

  • 🚀 Added support for framer-motion v4.

Popper v2.0.0

  • 🚀 Refactor the positioning logic to improve stability and leverage CSS custom properties.

Styled System v1.9.0

  • 🐛 Fix issue where responsive styles defined in text styles not overridden by style props.
  • 🐛 Fix issue where toCSSVars omitted the transition tokens.
  • 🐛 Fix issue where RTL property keys are incorrect due to mutation.
  • 🐛 Added typings for the theme prop in ThemingPropsThunk and export a standalone type ThemeComponentProps. ThemingPropsThunk
  • 🐛 Update mx and px to use logical properties. Instead of mapping to marginLeft and marginRight, it maps to marginInlineStart and marginInlineEnd. Same for px.

CLI v1.3.0

  • 🚀 Add support for text style and layer style theme type generation to @chakra-ui/cli.

Color Mode v1.1.2

  • 🐛 Memoize the context value for ColorModeProvider.

Editable v1.1.3

  • 🐛 Fix issue where blur/submit fires unexpectedly if submitOnBlur is true and you try to click the cancel button.

Radio v1.2.5

  • 🐛 Fix issue where controlled radio group can't be cleared.
  • 🐛 Fix onChange type for use-radio-group props.

Tag v1.1.3

  • 🐛 Add aria-label to tag close button.

Gatsby Plugin v1.0.2

  • 🐛 Update peer-dependency range for gatsby to support the latest.

Popover v1.3.0

  • 🐛 Fix issue (for Safari and Firefox) where popover doesn't close when you click the trigger and popover is open.



System v1.4.0

  • 🚀 Add support for CSS Variables to the core of Chakra.
  • 🚀 Improve style computation performance by 2.5x.
  • 🚀 Adds support for main in chakra factory

Styled System v1.8.0

  • 🚀 Add support for CSS Variables to the core of Chakra.
  • 🚀 Improve style computation performance by 2.5x.

Theme v1.7.0

  • 🚀 Add new config property cssVarPrefix to add a custom prefix for CSS variables. It defaults to chakra.
  • 🚀 TabPanels component can now be styled from Tabs component theme, specifying the tabpanels part.
  • 🐛 Fix full size modal with y-overflowing content behaviour
  • 🐛 Fix border styles for alert and number input
  • 🐛 Provide proper typings for ThemeOverride.components.
  • 🐛 Resolved an issue where optgroup in dark mode was unreadable on browsers that allow select contents styling.

Theme Tools v1.1.0

  • 🚀 Update implementation of create-breakpoints to reduce code logic. Add deprecation message

Hooks v1.1.5

  • 🐛 Add support to format - Optional string. Set the MIME type of what you want to copy as. Use text/html to copy as HTML, text/plain to avoid inherited styles showing when pasted into rich text editor.

Layout v1.3.2

  • 🐛 SimpleGrid: Avoid grid blow by adding minmax(0, 1fr).
  • 🐛 Simplify wrap style management to use CSS custom properties.

Popper v1.1.5

  • 🐛 Make the react-popper state in sync with the internal popper instance state

React v1.3.4

  • 🐛 Fixed an issue where extending the theme with custom breakpoints with strictNullChecks: false in tsconfig.json lead to an error.

Select v1.1.2

  • 🐛 Resolved an issue where optgroup in dark mode was unreadable on browsers that allow select contents styling.

Slider v1.1.2

  • 🐛 onChangeEnd won't be called if value doesn't change.



Color Mode v1.1.0

  • 🚀 You can now customize the nonce of the <script> that ColorModeScript creates by passing nonce prop.

Focus Lock v1.1.0

Checkbox v1.2.3 & Radio v1.2.3

  • 🐛 Improve the semantic HTML structure of checkbox.

Popper v1.1.4

  • 🐛 The popper.js instance is now created only once it is actually needed for positioning.

React v1.3.3

  • 🐛 The extendTheme function uses the type Theme again.

Theme v1.6.2

  • 🐛 Export Recursive* types from theme, styled-system.
  • 🐛 Bring back the TS type Theme export and deprecated DefaultChakraTheme.
  • 🐛 Allow halved values in design token in spacing as mentioned in the documents.

CLI v1.2.1

  • 🐛 CLI tokens command now ignores TS errors in your theme file.



Pin Input v1.4.0

  • 🚀 Resolved an issue where completing character entry in PinInput failed to call onComplete.

React v1.3.0

  • 🚀 Introducing a generic TypeScript type ChakraTheme to improve the extendTheme function even further.
import { extendTheme } from "@chakra-ui/react"
export const customTheme = extendTheme({
// here you get autocomplete for
// - existing definitions from the default theme
// - new components (Single and MultiStyle)
// - CSS definitions
// - color hues
// - etc.
export type MyCustomTheme = typeof customTheme

You can get typesafe access to your custom theme like this:

import { useTheme } from "@chakra-ui/react"
import { MyCustomTheme } from "./my-custom-theme"
const MyComponent = () => {
const customTheme = useTheme<MyCustomTheme>()
  • 🐛 Fixed issue in extendTheme where overrides defined as function replaced all base styles defined as a plain object.
  • 🐛 Fixed an issue where the TypeScript types were too narrow for component defaultProps and ComponentMultiStyleConfig.

Styled System v1.7.0

  • 🚀 Theme Typings: Add autocomplete for negative space values.
  • 🚀 Add support for textStyle and layerStyle in styled-system package. This makes it possible to use them in the component theme, css function and sx prop as well.
const theme = {
textStyles: {
caps: {
fontWeight: "bold",
fontSize: "24px",
const styles = css({ textStyle: "caps" })(theme)

This also works for the component theme as well.

layerStyle, textStyle and apply can now take responsive values as well.

  • 🚀 Refactored apply prop handling to use the style config pattern instead of add it imperatively.
  • 🐛 Allow numbers for borderTop and provide autocomplete for fontWeight prop.
  • 🐛 Support negative scale values for css variables.

System v1.3.0

  • 🚀 Add support for responsive values when using apply, textStyle and layerStyle.

Theme v1.6.0

  • 🐛 Fixed an issue where a Tooltip with negative gutter causes flickering on hover.
  • 🐛 Fixed an issue in Firefox where Input overflows it's flex container.

CLI v1.2.0

  • 🚀 Theme Typings: Add autocomplete for negative space values

Accordion v1.1.2 & Avatar v1.1.2 & Button v1.1.2 & Checkbox v1.2.2 & Radio v1.2.2

  • 🐛 Provide better typings for size and variant for AvatarGroup, CheckboxGroup, ButtonGroup, and RadioGroup

Color Mode v1.0.7

  • 🐛 Fix issue where reading from localStorage maybe fail due to several reasons (SecurityError, Uncaught DOMException, TypeError, etc.)

Input v1.1.1

  • 🐛 Fixed the typo in InputProps interface due to which theming types were not correct.

Tool tip v1.1.1

  • 🐛 Fixed an issue where a Tooltip with negative gutter causes flickering on hover.



System v1.2.1

  • 🐛 Allow string values for ThemingProps['colorScheme']

CLI v1.1.0

  • 🚀 Add minor bump for adding subcommand tokens to generate Theme Typings & Republished with version 1.1.0.



Color Mode v1.0.6

  • 🐛 useColorModeValue defaults to light mode on first render if system color mode is used.

Hooks v1.1.3

  • 🐛 Update reference to document.addEventListener to detect owner document based on ref passed. This would help detect outside click currently from within an iframe.

Layout v1.3.0

  • 🚀 Update transform style for AbsoluteCenter when axis is both
  • 🚀 Add shouldWrapChildren to Wrap component to make it possible use Wrap directly without thinking about WrapItem.
  • 🚀 Update LinkBox and LinkOverlay components and make them public in docs.

Menu v1.1.0

  • 🚀 The MenuItem now accepts a commandSpacing prop that can be used to adjust the space between the command and label.
  • 🚀 Add support rootProps to MenuList so it's possible override the styles for root container for menu list. Common use case is to change the applied zIndex of the menulist.
  • 🚀 Make it possible to override zIndex by passing props to MenuList.

Modal v1.5.0 & Tool tip v1.1.0

  • 🚀 Add support for forwarding props to the underlying Portal component. Pass the portalProps prop to achieve this.
  • 🚀 containerRef: ref for the element where to mount the portal.
  • 🚀 appendToParentPortal: If false, it'll opt out of portal nesting.

Portal v1.1.0

  • 🚀 Add support for appendToParentPortal={false} to opt out of nested portals.
  • 🐛 Fix issue with portal zIndex container where it renders elements outside of view.
  • 🚀 Renamed getContainer prop to containerRef to make it possible to pass the ref directly. This affects the Modal component primarily.

Styled System v1.6.0

  • 🐛 Fix issue where CSS color names are not passed correctly.
  • 🚀 Improved theme typing in order to provide a better autocomplete experience.

Tabs v1.1.0

  • 🚀 The useTabsContext hook is now exported and can be used in user land.

Theme v1.5.0

  • 🚀 Add 8xl to size tokens.



Layout v1.2.0

  • 🚀 Add AbsoluteCenter component to help manage centering of an element relative to its parent dimensions

Pin Input v1.2.0

  • 🚀 Added an otp flag to PinInput that sets the autoComplete value of PinInputField to "one-time-code"

Hooks v1.1.2

  • 🐛 Fixed issue where using an uncontrolled RadioGroup without a defaultValue causes multiple radio options can be selected

Portal v1.0.6

  • 🐛 Fixed portal z-index wrapper squashing portaled elements

Popover v1.1.0

  • 🚀 Add flip prop to Popover to change the placement when it is scheduled to overflow a given boundary



Popper v1.1.0

  • 🚀 Added enabled property to usePopper. Popper won't be updated while it is set to false. Menu now uses this option to not update its position while it's closed.

Stlyed System v1.5.0

  • 🚀 Move srOnly prop to styled system props. This will deprecate the need for the visually hidden package. Less is more!
// If `true`, hide an element visually without hiding it from screen readers.
<Box srOnly>Visually hidden</Box>
// If `focusable`, the sr-only styles will be undone, making the element visible to sighted users as well as screen readers.
<Box srOnly _active={{ srOnly: "focusable" }}>Visually hidden but shown on focus
  • 🚀 Add polyfill for inset style prop as the CSS inset doesn't work in Safari Add missing style props for grid and flex layouts: gridTemplate, gridRowStart, gridRowEnd, flexFlow, clipPath

Checkbox v1.1.2

  • 🐛 Update styles to use css logical style props

Hooks v1.1.1

  • 🐛 Resolved an issue where event handlers for certain components were removed after the first event occurred.
  • 🐛 Fixed SSR issue with useId hook.

Menu v1.0.5

  • 🐛 Update styles to use css logical style props
  • 🚀 Added enabled property to usePopper. Popper won't be updated while it is set to false. Menu now uses this option to not update its position while it's closed.

Popover v1.0.7

  • 🐛 Popover now won't update its popper position while it's closed.

Portal v1.0.5

  • 🐛 Fixed issue where adding portalZIndex to ChakraProvider makes app unusable

Progress v1.0.5

  • 🐛 You can now override linear progress component's border radius in the theme.

Radio v1.1.2

  • 🐛 Update styles to use css logical style props.



Hooks v1.1.0

  • 🚀 Added useCallbackRef hook for persisting a value between renders and updating it if it changes.
  • 🐛 Deprecated useLatestRef, useEventCallback, and useMouseDownRef. These functions will be removed in a future major version.



Styled System v1.4.0

  • 🐛 Fixed a bug where rgb values in bgGradient did not work correctly
  • 🐛 Due to Safari not support css logical properties for right, and left, we added polyfill for these css logical properties.
  • 🚀 Add support for css media query and dark class selectors.

Theme v1.4.0

  • 🚀 Add the 2xl breakpoint to the theme which maps to 96em or 1536px.

Media Query v1.0.3

  • 🐛 Fixed useBreakpoinValue infinite loop due to bug in createMediaQueries.

Portal v1.0.3

  • 🐛 Fixed issue where elements within portal used in an iframe got rendered outside of the iframe. Portal now smartly detects its document owner and attaches its node to the correct document.body
  • 🐛 Removed extra DOM node PortalManager creates. Less is more!

Skeleton v1.0.7

  • 🐛 Fixed a bug where SkeletonText kept its fixed dimensions when isLoaded is true.

Tabs v1.0.4

  • 🐛 Fixed issue where Tab button no longer has aria-selected="false" when it is inactive.



Button v1.0.3

  • 🐛 Update the style props applied for leftIcon and rightIcon to support RTL. Changed ml and mr to marginStart and marginEnd respectively.
  • 🐛 Update the style props applied when isLoading is true. Changed marginRight to marginEnd.


  • 🐛 Update directionStyles to use logical CSS properties for RTL support.
  • 🐛 Changed marginLeft and marginRight to marginStart and marginEnd respectively.

Styled System v1.3.1

  • 🐛 Add missing borderStart, and borderEnd types for for style and color.
  • 🐛 Sort Object.assign keys in configs/border.ts for better readability.

Other RTL fixes:

  • 🐛 Alignment for the close icon for Tag, Modal, and Drawer components to support RTL.
  • 🐛 Add RTL storybook toolbar to make it easy to test RTL layouts.



React v1.1.0

Checkbox v1.1.0

  • 🚀 Deprecated the defaultIsChecked prop in favor of defaultChecked.

Radio v1.1.0

  • 🚀 Deprecated the defaultIsChecked prop in favor of defaultChecked.
  • 🚀 Resolved an issue where uncontrolled Radio components used outside of RadioGroup were not working.

Styled System v1.3.0

  • 🚀 Improved performance

Pin Input v1.1.2

  • 🐛 Resolved an issue where PinInputField rendered an input with autocomplete="not-allowed" instead of autocomplete="off".

Skeleton v1.0.4

  • 🐛 SkeletonText now accepts the props fadeDuration and speed and animates its children, like the Skeleton component.



⚠️ Peer dep version bump! framer-motion is now at 3.0.0

Form Control v1.1.0

  • 🚀 Add support for controlling focus lock across frames.
  • 🐛 Removed isLoading prop from FormControl out of a lack of need.
  • 🐛 Fixed an issue where FormHelperText was not rendering when parent FormControl.isInvalid was set.

Modal v1.3.0

  • 🚀 Add support for controlling focus lock across frames.

Styled System v1.2.0

  • 🚀 Add suppotr for css logical properties and direction in the theme for future RTL optimizations.

Pin Input v1.1.1

  • 🐛 Fixed an issue where copy pasting didnt work.

Number Input v1.0.3

  • 🐛 Fixed an issue where input didnt work with form libraries that rely on ref (e.g. react-hook-form).
  • 🚀 Added support to override type and pattern props.

Input v1.0.3

  • 🐛 Fixed an issue where removing an element didnt reset the padding.

Skeleton v1.0.3

  • 🐛 Fixed an issue where Skeleton.isLoading would fade the skeleton even if isLoading is true.

Theme v1.2.2

  • 🐛 Focus outline > isInvalid outline (affects all components extending from Input, e.g. Select, PinInput, ...)

Utils v1.0.2

  • 🐛 Custom breakpoints beginning with a number are now working



Pin Input v1.1.0

  • 🚀 Internals reworked.
  • 🚀 Added support for type prop (alphanumeric | number).
  • 🚀 Added mask prop to provide similar utility like input type password.

Alert v1.0.2

  • 🐛 Alert now colorScheme aware (overrideable via status).

Close Button v1.0.2

  • 🐛 Resolved an issue where DrawerCloseButton was not receiving its base styles when it was passed other styles through the __css property, breaking the button's positioning.

React v1.0.3

  • 🐛 Fix too narrow TypeScript type for theme override.




Layout v1.1.0

  • 🚀 Divider, Container, List, ListItem and ListIcon are now themable.

Modal v1.2.0

  • 🚀 ModalCloseButton is now themable.

Theme v1.2.0

  • 🚀 AlertIcon no longer shrinks if alert contains long text.
  • 🚀 Added theme support for above mentioned layout components.

Toast v1.1.0

  • 🚀 Allow React.ReactNode as type for title.

Form Control v1.0.2

  • 🐛 Remove dead props on type.

Number Input v1.0.2

  • 🐛 NumberInput is now form-control props agnostic, like Input and Select do.

Radio v1.0.2

  • 🐛 Radiois now form-control props agnostic, like Input and Select do.

React v1.0.2

  • 🐛 Improved types for extendTheme.

Transition v1.0.2

  • 🐛 Children now consistently render if "in" was true on initial render.